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"What!? It wasn't hard!" Kiba shouted with an embarrassed flushed red face, Naruto smirked knowingly, "Oh really is that why when Iruka-sensei said give him your test you started writing fast and being the last one to turn it in." Naruto stated more then asked, Kiba's face turned a dark red before making a hmfp sound and ignoring Naruto, whose face soften at the child like innocent Kiba can still show, even if most of these students will turn out to be assassin's or murders.With a plethora of PDF editing software floating around the internet, it can be quite confusing to know which one will suit the needs of a company or different individuals. "Hey dope! You're suppose to turn in your test!" An idiot, also known as Kiba Inuzuka, shouted at Naruto, who sighed at his idiocy, "Hey dog breathe my paper isn't in front of me so it means I'm done." Naruto said with a small frown before smiling brightly than laugh, "Hey dog breathe! Don't tell me you thought that was hard!" Naruto exclaimed smiling widely before laughing, while inwardly sighing at his mask, it was to loud and ignorant for him.

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Iruka was surprised to say the least, Naruto was the first one to finish, the student that always complain about the simplest things and always running away from the academy to avoid going, was done first, Iruka was even more surprised when he saw the most intelligent answers that maybe Itachi Uchiha can muster during his academy years.Īfter 1 hour Iruka finally spoke up, "Ok class pencils down!" Naruto yawned when he saw his classmates get up and give there written exams to either Iruka-sensei or Mizuki. When Naruto got his test he immediately sensed the genjutsu on the paper, with a look of indifference Naruto dispelled the weak genjutsu and did his test in record time before getting up and giving the test paper to Iruka-sensei to check, 1) because Iruka is a nice teacher, and 2) because Mizuki would just add another genjutsu on his test.

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Naruto had grown up as simple as that, without his henge was a young male of 5'7 and the age of 16 with limp blonde hair, icey calm but cold blue eyes, with a smooth, husky, but firm voice, and Naruto likes to 'entertain' woman, also because Kisara wanted him to be use to 'entertaining' a woman just in case, Kisara never really explained, all she did was smile before ignoring him. Naruto never really liked his mask but it's what's keeping him alive and what is turning his everyday chases into laughing at Anbu who couldn't even catch him. Naruto acted depressed when he heard written exam, Naruto had a henge on making him 4'11 12 year old with spikey blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, with a scratchy, loud, and ruff voice, and Naruto also acted like a loud mouth idiot who was in love with the smartest kunoichi, Sakura Haruno. "Okay everyone we're going to start the written exam part of the exam, once everyone has a test and I say start you may begin the test." Iruka explained with a serious face before giving the papers to Mizuki who handed out to everyone. Naruto made this discovery when he turned 8 years old, he was getting tired of the 'Anbu' watching him he decided shunshin to his stalker but only found an Anbu with an all white mask, and before he can say anything they shunshin away from Naruto, after that it stopped. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze liked abundance of thing, Food, seals, girls, teachers, heck even the villagers, but he cannot stand being watched by Anbu- well Danzo's Anbu.

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"Ok class today is the graduation exam to becominga ninja, I hope you are all ready." I will explain how and why in the future chapters. Warning! I decided that I will make Naruto 5 years older than the academy students but he's only 5 years older because when Naruto's chakra reserves where seal so was his age, leading to Age regression, but the Hokage doesn't know this only Naruto and Kisara. A/n- Konichiwa minna! Watashi wa Author-senpi, and I hope you have a great time reading this, also not all the chapters will be long like the first, besides I was rushing on that one, well have fun reading.

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